Vovox Cable review & shootout between : VOVOX sonorus, COrdial , VOVOX excelsus, cables in mastering context
This is a shootout video about cables in mastering context, it compares & review VOVOX sonorus ® |VS| COrdial cpm-fm-flex |VS| VOVOX excelsus ® and has been filme in Olivier Classe’s mastering studio in Lille France.
All has been recorded in one take as seen on the video, using a merging technology Anubis converter to be the more accurate possible.
all has been recorded via an Earthwork SR25 microphone plugged plugged to a Vovox xlr CAble
i might link another article with match volume comparasion later in 2022 (i did had time to write it yet)
You could download the recorded 24b48k files here :
Files download on dorpbox
Files have been phase aligned via wave inphase plugin the best i can for nultest purpose
VOVOX excelsus
VOVOX sonorus
cordial cpm-fm-flex
Cordial cables
The track used is by Bill Frisell ,
, it’s the First track called « Blues for Los Angeles » from of « Gone, just like a train album » (1997)
Comparaison VOVOX sonorus ® |VS| COrdial cpm-fm-flex |VS| VOVOX excelsus ®
Review VOVOX sonorus ® |VS| COrdial cpm-fm-flex |VS| VOVOX excelsus ®
more info; link and articles on
News Olivier
!! Spoiler ALTERT – my conclusions on cables for my mastering use
First, i’m not affiliated to Vovox in any way, i paid all my cables and gear…
i choose to record via microphones as finally it seems to me that it’s a way to share what happened in the room.
sure it might have been more accurate with a neuman binaural head, but i don’t have one, see, here is the best i could share.
to me the difference between sonorus and cordial are not very big, but there is a difference.
then the difference between Vovox Excelsus to the other cables is quite obvious even when listen via the microphone in this video.
So after saving money, i change most of the cables i could in the studio for vovox Excelsus, and i keep sonorus for less critical gear.
it cost money for sure, but to me if a gear (comp eq or whatever gear) produce the clarity and softness effect, after trying i might buy this gear.
sure it still seems not very logical cables make such a difference as they supose to just transport the signal from point A to point B without changing anything.
And to me it seems that it’s what the vovox Excelsus is doing, and it’s doing it better then others.
In the mastering chain, on one cable the difference isn’t very noticable, but when it’s all the chain it’s more obvious.
i might post recording i’ve made in the comming month.
thanks for reading.
Music Credits
Blues for Los Angeles · Bill Frisell
Gone, Just Like a Train
1997 Nonesuch Records
Engineer: Judy Klapp
Producer: Lee Townsend
Composer, Writer: Bill Frisell
Bill Frisell wikipedia : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Frisell
Bill Frisell : https://www.billfrisell.com/
Camera : Marianne Hell | Insta Marianne
Terrible english accent Olivier Classe
shoot in the Mastering studio in Lille France